The Future of UN Peacekeeping
In light of the uncertainty around the role UN peacekeeping will play in future, the UN Secretary-General’s New Agenda for Peace that was released in July 2023, includes a recommendation …
In light of the uncertainty around the role UN peacekeeping will play in future, the UN Secretary-General’s New Agenda for Peace that was released in July 2023, includes a recommendation …
Have protests against peacekeepers in Mali and the DRC demonstrated the failure of UN peacekeeping? Anti-UN protests are not a new phenomenon, but they have rarely, if ever, led the …
Partnership peacekeeping – meaning the parallel deployment of United Nations (UN) and non-UN peacekeepers in the same conflict – has been a common and, as recent research shows, successful feature …
Am 16. Juni 2023 forderte die malische Regierung den sofortigen Abzug der Friedensmission der Vereinten Nationen (UNO) in Mali, auch MINUSMA genannt. Die UNO-Mission wurde ursprünglich auf ausdrückliche Einladung der …
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