Yemen: are we asking the right question?
Over the past years, policies have focused solely on the question of how to unite North and South, instead of also taking into consideration the real needs of Yemenis. The …
Over the past years, policies have focused solely on the question of how to unite North and South, instead of also taking into consideration the real needs of Yemenis. The …
Silently, a “Shadow pandemic” has begun amidst the COVID-19 crisis: Worldwide, a rise in domestic violence has been recorded since the outbreak of COVID-19. Women in the MENA-region find themselves …
A 45 year old supertanker carrying 1.148 million barrels of light crude oil is decaying just 60 kilometers off the shore of the Yemeni port of Hodeidah, threatening the Yemeni …
Despite the possibility of nuclear war, nuclear (non)proliferation remains an underrepresented field in the discussion on gender and conflict. On first sight, gender seems irrelevant in …
The world is focused on preventing the spread of the corona virus, and for good reason. The crisis is hitting us hard in Europe and might hit even harder in …
As in all politics, in the United Nations Security Council, language is power. Gender-sensitive language is thus fundamental for gender empowerment. A successful implementation of the WPS (“Women, Peace and …
This year marks the 20th anniversary of UN Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security. It addresses how women and girls are differentially impacted by conflict and recognizes the critical …
Partizipation der Zivilgesellschaft als unverzichtbares Instrument im Ausnahmezustand Demokratische Regierungen müssen in Krisenzeiten intensiv den Dialog mit der Zivilgesellschaft suchen, um nicht an Legitimität zu verlieren. Dabei gilt es, bereits …
Crises can warrant the limitation of individual freedoms for the sake of common goods and conflicting individual rights. In fact, States have the responsibility to protect persons under their jurisdiction. …
This is the end My only friend The Doors The global spread of the Covid-19 disease within only a few weeks is only the most recent episode that emphasizes the …
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